The People Who Make The Difference

Melanie Cabral

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Melanie has been with White & Jankowski almost continuously since 1998. She began as a paralegal and became the firm’s office administrator in 2017. She handles client billing and record keeping, assists in managing the firm’s computer and operating and information systems, and maintains financial data and management information for the partners.  Her responsibilities also include human resources management and overall management of the firm’s physical facilities. Melanie obtained her paralegal certification in 2003 after attending Denver Career College. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Zoology, with a minor in Entomology, from Colorado State University. After graduation, she worked as a biological monitor in California along the Central Coast and in the San Joaquin Valley monitoring construction and seismic activities for environmental compliance.


Andrea Browne


Andrea is a legal administrative assistant with White & Jankowski and has been with the firm since July 2015. She conducts water rights and well permit research, assists attorneys in preparing for trials and hearings, manages documents in litigation support software, and handles all of the firm’s court and administrative filings, including the day-to-day management of cases and transactions. She also maintains the firm’s calendar containing all deadlines and events. Andrea received her Certificate in Office and Business Technology from the University of New Mexico in 2011.